But ask yourself how this naturally dangerous animal is so placid that you can get so close? It doesn’t take too much imagination for you to know the answer to this question.
No tour at ICON Adventures will endorse organisations where there are any signs of cruelty or abuse of animals. We respectfully ask that our independent travellers do not visit these places either.
When visiting animals in the wild we:
When visiting sanctuaries or conservation centres, we only recommend those that:
When best practice is followed, wildlife excursions can bring much-needed revenue into local communities and lead to increased conservation projects.
If you come across animals which are domesticated eg dog, pet or perhaps a farm animal then your own discretion can be used. For your own safety though, remember that getting too close may spook the animal and cause it to have a fight or flight response.
Lastly, only ride domesticated and well looked after animals eg horses, donkeys, camels etc, please, NO elephant rides.